Monday, July 26

Missing my Brother

While looking up pictures for Cross Country Journeys Part One, I stumbled upon an old blog of my sister Sarah's, written after Peter's departure to SLC for his training at the Missionary Training Center, and his subsequent journey to Japan. And now, nine days from his homecoming, I am feeling very, very heartsick. - With Peter Gone... we decided to drown our sorrows in fruit. Why is it that I'm feeling so heartsick just days before he comes home? It might be partly because I won't be able to meet him at the airport in New York. In fact, I'm going to have to wait three days longer after he's released to see him, as he, Jacob, Bek, mom, and dad make the trip cross country along I-80. But I think maybe it's because he's so close, and it is very, very hard for my mind to shuffle in back there that I haven't seen him for two years. He is pretty, pretty amazing and I am so excited to see him and hear his stories and hug him. In fact, I'm feeling pretty family-sick at the moment, with most of you so close at hand. But it's alright. Grandpa and I are having fun conversations in which he'll tell me I'm beautiful repeatedly. If you ever need a picker-upper (and you are a lady) just come down to Grandpa's condo, where he will shower you with compliments. Seriously. I think partly because he wants to make sure he hasn't forgotten to, before. He is a lovely, lovely grandfather. It has been good to see all my grandparents on this trip, and Hoggard and Olson cousins too. I love you all very, very much.

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