Wednesday, February 9


I think I have frostnip. First degree Frostbite: "This is called frostnip and this only affects the surface skin, which is frozen. On onset there is itching and pain, and then the skin develops white, red, and yellow patches and becomes numb. The area affected by frostnip usually does not become permanently damaged as only the skin's top layers are affected. Long-term sensitivity to both heat and cold can sometimes happen after suffering from frostnip." :) And why is that funny, my friends? Because I will now always remember a nighttime adventure in 7-degree weather, every time it gets cold, and that is very pleasant to me. For some reason, I have been continually chuckling at the idea of having frostnip just for remembering. It is nice to have the security that you won't forget something good for a long, long while.

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